The risk of high blood pressure
High blood pressure increases the risk for brain tumors, a new study claims after analyzing data on nearly 600 thousand people in Europe.

Michael Edlinger - Austrian experts in epidemiology and colleagues from Austria, Norway and Sweden have made a large-scale survey by the World Cancer Research Fund financing. They analyzed data from nearly 580,000 people in the three countries, followed in about 10 years. Of these, more than 1,300 people are diagnosed with brain tumors.
Age began to survey participants was 41, and the age of the average brain cancer detection is 56. Two patients were diagnosed most glioma and meningioma, each disease accounts for about 1/3 of all cases are found.
Experts say 20% of people who have high blood pressure, brain tumor incidence is twice as high compared with 20% of people with the lowest blood pressure.
"This result is interesting because studies done on a large scale, and numbers more than 1,000 people with brain tumors is not accidental. Nevertheless, it does not mean that every high blood pressure, the risk of brain tumors will increase, because the study did not take into account many other factors, "said lead researcher. Therefore, he suggested that there should be further study on this issue.
According to VN
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